CBD Promises To Combat Stress
Contemporary times bring with them many astonishing innovations, perks, and comforts. Unfortunately, it also comes with a steadily increasing number of struggles and challenges. A great number of people are feeling stressed and are hardly coping with the strain of life.
What Is Stress?
Stress is a physiological response to a specific situation. Hormones are either activated or switched off depending on the presenting stimulus. The fight or flight response is triggered either to challenge the stressor or flee. After the reaction is completed and the provocation is removed, your body should begin to revert to its original relaxed state.
The hypothalamus reacts in the face of danger. It sends signals to the adrenal glands, causing it to release epinephrine (adrenaline)- the fight or flight hormone which causes the following:
- Increase in respiratory and heart rates
- Profuse sweating
- A decrease in insulin production
- Increase glucose uptake by the muscles
- Cortisol release
Cortisol is the main stress hormone with the following effects:
- Hampered growth and reproductive processes
- Increased glucose uptake in the brain
- An increase in blood glucose level
- Altered immune system response
- Altered mood, emotions, and motivation.
The 4 major types of stress
- Acute
- The body’s immediate reaction to a sudden threat
- Severe Acute
- Another name for which is acute stress disorder- it occurs no more than for a month after a traumatic event
- Symptoms are similar to PTSD
- Episodic Acute
- Occurs when there are numerous instances of acute stress
- Associated with overly anxious individuals
- Could cause long-term physical and mental health problems
- Chronic
- Common in patients with high-stress levels for long periods
- Causes depression, cardiovascular disease, anxiety, and hypertension
Common symptoms of stress:
- Insomnia
- Migraine or tension headaches
- Depression
- Irritability and anger
- Gastrointestinal problems
- Decreased energy and fatigue
- Increased or decreased appetite
- Loss of motivation
- Muscular Spasms
- Anxiety
What are the traditional treatment options for stress?
- Anti-depressants and any antianxiety medications (normally have side effects that may range from mild to severe)
- best works in combination with other plans of treatment
- Meditation
- The goal is to focus on peaceful and pleasant thoughts while eliminating stressful ones
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
- Focuses on altering the patient’s thinking process and behaviors
- Deep Breathing
- Advantage of which is accessibility and convenience; can be done anywhere, anytime
Can CBD Oil Help with Stress?
Genetics play a major role in how you respond to various stressors. Idiosyncrasies in neurotransmitters or hormones can vastly impact how you deal with stress, and it is the most notable cause of anxiety.
The use of CBD oil for stress has been extensively studied and reviewed, showing great promise for positive outcomes. Its role in the regulation of neurotransmitters bears the most impressive potentials in managing stress.