Blue Ram Cichlid Tank Mates and Their Attractive Features
Numerous breeds of fish require freshwater with plants and good oxygen levels. Every breed of fish is unique and has unparalleled characteristics. Kids and adults are equally interested in the history, characteristics, appearance, lifeline, etc of the fish found in the aquariums.
Indeed, the breeds and species of the fish are not found to a higher extent. Every country’s ocean, sea, rivers, and lakes are the homes of several fish. Some are small, huge, attractive, ugly, but they are beautiful in their way. The breeds of fish have their distinctive aura.
There are innumerable breeds of fish found all across the world. Discus, Silver Dollars, Neon tetra, Black Phantom, Guppies, tank companions, etc. are a few of the widely known breeds of fish. The breed that leaves the viewer in awe is blue ram cichlid tank mates.
What is blue ram cichlid tank mates?
The Blue Ram is the name of the breed of the fish. It is a cichlid that makes companions. All the dwarfs, non-cichlid and peaceful cichlid share the same space. Everyone needs a soulmate to survive. If not a soulmate, people need friends for a lifetime. Likewise, fish also needs companions. It is hard for the blue ram cichlid to survive alone.
The blue ram cichlid tank mates should be separated. There are also aggressive fish that should not be placed with them. This breed of fish is usually non-aggressive. But whenever they come in contact with other fish, they become violent. Thus, taking good care of the fish is a tedious job.
The Features of Blue Ram Cichlid are as follows: –
- They are usually found in tropical areas.
- They are bright yellow, orange, and blue.
- The fish doesn’t have teeth.
- They are a unique spin within their fins.
- The structure, color, and appearance of the fish vary from one another.
- Blue ram tank mates are a huge family of more than 180 species.
- It has a huge head and a big mouth.
- The lips of the fish are bulgy.
- They survive in slow-flowing water.
- The parental care seen towards the progeny of the fish is impressive.
The aquariums in which these tank mates take shelter gather a huge crowd. The feeling of connection is generated after analyzing their nature. They survive in more than 50 liters of water. Fish keepers usually fish to make them a part of their wonderous family.